About MMS
The MMS (Magnetospheric Multi-Scale mission) consists of four identical satellites with an equatorial orbit around the Earth. LPP provides a set of tri-axial magnetic antennas or search-coil magnetometers (SCM) for each spacecraft.
For more information about MMS, please visit the MMS NASA webpage.
About MMS data
WARNING! Using any data from the MMS database at the SDC or from the LPP mirror database means you agree with the following:
Before using any MMS data you must conform to the MMS Data Rights and Rules for Data Use. You must also conform to the "Rules_of_use" and "Acknowledgement" global attributes of each CDF file you use.The LPP mirror offers more data than the SDC public database: it means you have to check with the PI and relevant Lead Co-Investigators if you are allowed or not to use their data. In particular, you are not allowed to use Quicklook (QL) data for scientific analysis or publication without express consent of the PI and relevant Lead Co-Investigators.
It is also strongly recommended that you have a look at the Data Products Guide corresponding to the instrument your looking at.
All public data of every instrument are accessible trough the MMS Science Data Center (SDC). Since March 1st, 2016, SDC account is no longer needed to download data.
Data are also available via SPEDAS.
A SDC mirror database is also available here at LPP (restricted access).
People connected to LPP's network can also mount the database directly on their computer. See the LPP MMS Wiki page for details regarding this point.
MMS SCM data are also archived at CDPP.
One can find here Mission Phases and Science Regions of Interest
About SCM
The tri-axial search-coil magnetometer (SCM) with its associated preamplifier provides the three-dimensional measurement of the magnetic field fluctuations.
The analog magnetic waveforms measured by the SCM are digitized and processed inside the digital signal processor (DSP), collected and stored by the central instrument data processor (CIDP) via the Fields central electronics box (CEB).
Prior to launch, all SCM Flight models were calibrated by LPP at the National Magnetic Observatory at Chambon-la-forêt (Orléans). Once per orbit, each SCM transfer function is checked thanks to the onboard calibration signal provided by DSP.
SCM is operated for the entire MMS orbit in survey mode. Within the ROI, burst mode data are also acquired as well as high burst mode data.
The instrument paper for SCM can be found here.
For more information about SCM, please visit the LPP SCM webpage.
About SCM data
SCM public data include L1A, L1B and L2 files (see description below). More detailed explanations about SCM data are given in the SCM Data Products Guide.
Level 1A (L1A)
L1A SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in telemetry unit and in the sensor frame. There's no quicklook for these data.
Level 1B (L1B)
L1B SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTestla and in the sensor frame.
Level 2 (L2)
L2 SCM data set corresponds to the AC magnetic field waveforms in nanoTesla and in the GSE frame.
Data versions (L1B and L2)
Version 2.2.0 (March 20, 2017)
Changes since previous version:Version 2.1.0 (March 20, 2017)
Changes since previous version:Version 1.1.0 (September 8, 2015)
Changes since previous version:Version 0.1.0 (November 4, 2014)
Changes since previous version:Version 0.0.0 (July 30, 2014)
Changes since previous version:About SCM onboard calibration
A calibration signal is sent to SCM once or twice per orbit (~ per day).
More detailed explanations about SCM onboard calibration signal are given in the SCM Data Products Guide.
Fourier analysis method
Temporal analysis method
Daily quicklooks
Monthly quicklooks
About this website
Version 0.1
Released on 18/12/2015.
Initial version including spacecraft, data level and date selection.
Clickable thumbnails are displayed which point to the full resolution PNG files.
Version 0.2
Released on 06/01/2016.
PNG files now show up as overlay and it's possible to browse using previous/next arrows for all the files of the day.
Version 0.3
Released on 07/01/2016.
SDC links to MMS location and DC B + DSP SCM spectra corresponding to the current quicklook.
Version 0.4
Released on 07/01/2016.
Enabled download of the CDF data file corresponding to the currently viewed quicklook from the LPP database.
Version 0.5
Released on 11/01/2016.
Enabled download of the CDF data file corresponding to the currently viewed quicklook from the SDC database.
Version 0.6
Released on 25/01/2016.
Added an explorer to LPP mirror of MMS database from which people from LPP can browse MMS database and have direct acces to downloadable CDFs.
Version 0.7
Released on 27/01/2016.
Added other instruments L2 to the LPP mirror database.
Version 0.8
Released on 29/01/2016.
First test version of LPP mirror ready. Products available for download are:
- SCM: L1A, L1B and L2.
- Other instruments: L2.
- FDOA ephemeris and attitude files.
Version 0.11
Released on 06/02/2016.
Print version number of the CDF file corresponding to the displayed quicklook thumbnail.
Version 1.4
Released on 13/06/2016.
SCM onboard calibration signal analysis results made public. Please, note these results are not checked. Don't use them!
Version 1.6
Released on 07/09/2016.
Add Onboard Calibration Analysis plots for the entire mission timespan (since october 2015).
Version 2.0
Released on 12/12/2016.
Add Onboard Calibration Analysis for low DC magnetic field only.